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Pagan Peak

3 stagioni - 24 episodi vedi scheda serie

Episodio 1x04

1x04 Il cattivo e il malvagio

  • Stagione 1
  • Episodio 4
  • Titolo originale The Evil and the Naughty
  • Prima trasmissione 01 feb 2019
8.5 8.5
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In a joint effort with cultist Brunner, Ellie and Gedeon try to set a trap for the killer. For this plan to work, they have to overstep legal boundaries. Trying to gain the trust of the killer, they feign a copycat murder, hoping their target would be lured into reaching out to Brunner. Meanwhile, Ellie has started an affair with her superior, whereas Gedeon has been haunted by his shady past as a corrupt narcotics cop.


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