Regia di Deepa Mehta vedi scheda film
The film "Water" brings backs the memory of Old India times, specifically the times of 1920s during which there was huge crisis in the country for the desire of freedom.The movie highlights how the life of a widow is completely destructed by the norms of the Indian society and culture.Not only this i would surely like to add the role played by the little girl "chuhiya" who had performed an outstanding performance and acting out of her age.The films highlights how a widow was considered 'impure' and was thrown out of the house as 'a piece of shit'.They have to forcefully shut their mouths and to live their livelihood become prostitute for the upper class brahmins.The movie has shown that a widow may end her life but can't do remarriage. Though the whole movie shows cruelty and bitterness ,at last there is a sight of happiness when one of the widow hands over "chuhiya" to John Abhraham,who had played the role of a socialist and had also desired to marry his love who was a widow.He takes chuhiya far away from there , where she could have a breath of relief.
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