Regia di Errol Morris vedi scheda film
..I heard one gobble. And I said "My God". Boy, that's the best diarrhea medicine in the world. Mm-mhh! You hear a turkey gobblin' forget about all diarrhea and everything.
Cervelli, mutui, lombrichi, tartarughe, Dio e soprattutto tacchini.
Dedicate un'oretta a questa seconda opera di Morris (uno dei preferiti di Herzog!), verrete trasportati in una bizzarra realtà.
Reality? You mean is this the real world? ..huh! I never tought of that!
I can take a pencil and sit down, and write "cat shit" with this hand and "dog shit" with that the same time.
..I heard one gobble. And I said "My God". Boy, that's the best diarrhea medicine in the world. Mm-mhh! You hear a turkey gobblin' forget about all diarrhea and everything.
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