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Maial college

Regia di Walt Becker vedi scheda film





Iscritto dal 29 luglio 2005 Vai al suo profilo
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La recensione su Maial college

di und0

Su Kal Penn

Memorabile la scena quando gli viene chiesta l'associazione di idee con la parola "latte": "Tit! Oh, mommy. Most Indians would say "cow" because they are sacred, but I hear "milk," I think giant jugs. You see, I cannot go home a virgin. I came here to study the great American art of muff diving. To smack clam, munch rug, dine at just one American pink taco stand! You know, I wanted to, how is it, park the porpoise. You know? I want to take it through the car wash, baby. And get it waxed. I want to wax it. Wax it! You know, and air dry. Air dry that shit, yeah! And I would like to be your assistant very much, Mr. Van Wilder."

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