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Dead Shot - Vendetta disperata

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Iscritto dal 22 maggio 2023 Vai al suo profilo
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La recensione su Dead Shot - Vendetta disperata

di Enanga
10 stelle

This film is a masterpiece so well conceived and realized. The cast is so brilliant and the choice of the actors so appropriate?COLIN MORGAN has performed Michael giving all possible. The perfect actor for the part.?I rated the film with five stars. If there were more stars I would like it.?There are two considerations I’d like to express though.?In the first place this film cannot be understood and appreciated without a previous documentation on the context . I documented myself reading THE ROAD TO BALCOMBE STREET by STEVEN MOYSEY in audible version.?Secondly for now this film has been released by Sky Cinema only in UK and Ireland.?IT MUST BE RELEASED WORLDWIDE.

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