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Tim Murphy (Don Johnson) è un veterano della guerra in Vietnam. Un giorno perde il lavoro e ricomincia a rivivere tutto il dolore e l'orrore del conflitto. Lo stress e le tensioni finiscono quasi per distruggere il suo matrimonio e la sua famiglia. Si unisce così ad alcune persone con i suoi stessi problemi, partecipando a una terapia di gruppo.

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John_Nada1975 di John_Nada1975
6 stelle

"As Long as we've got each other", scritta da Gary Fry, cantata da Michael Johnson   I've tried to forget the pain inside I've tried every way I know how But the memory burns deep in my soul All I want is to really live again I can see a certain look in your eyes I can tell that you've been there too I can tell that you hurt just like me and you know All I want is to really live again… leggi tutto

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John_Nada1975 di John_Nada1975
6 stelle

"As Long as we've got each other", scritta da Gary Fry, cantata da Michael Johnson   I've tried to forget the pain inside I've tried every way I know how But the memory burns deep in my soul All I want is to really live again I can see a certain look in your eyes I can tell that you've been there too I can tell that you hurt just like me and you know All I want is to really live again…

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